Bugs in Papyrus 12

I just buy, download, start, sign in to Papyrus 12.

As soon as I start it, I get two errors:

Do you need some more information?

Uff! I’ve not seen these errors before. :face_with_peeking_eye:

When you click OK on those error messages, does Papyrus run normally?

Here are two quick things to try:

:one: Check that Papyrus has Full Disk Access

Here’s Apple’s guide on it: Controlling app access to files in macOS - Apple Support

:two: Re-install Papyrus

Just to make sure everything’s in order, and so we can rule out the possibility of an interrupted installation.

Thanks for the screenshots! They’re always super helpful. :star_struck:

Re-instalation solve the problem! Thanks.

(although “verification”, MacOS built in process, before starting first time Papyrus went without any errors so I assume that everything was ok with installation… for second time, I use same installation DMG file as first time! Really strange…)

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