Can I use speech to text?

I tend to use a mixture of typing and speech to text (for when my brain is working faster than my fingers or I’m tired). I don’t see the option here. Is it possible to use dictation in Papyrus? I would love to switch from word but really do need this flexibility to make it work for me.

On PC I have used Dragon Pro to type into PA, but it cannot correct - only type or delete. I don’t know if other dictation methods would differ. If I need to dictate rather than type, I use Dragon’s built in editor and then do a “Select All - Copy That” and paste it into PA.

On the Mac, Apple Dictation seems to ignore PA completely. I dictate and it types nothing. Works fine in Pages, so I would probably dictate into that and then do the Select-Copy command there too.

I have the same problem. I would LOVE to dictate straight into PA, but I have to dictate into a text file first… it’s just faster, and I can make voice corrections. Then I paste that into PA and use the PA real-time editor, which is great.

I would love to see a Dragon Naturally Speaking plug-in for Papyrus.

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I’d like to bump this and see if there are any plans to improve dictation in Papyrus Author? Currently, I dictate into a text file, copy/paste into Papyrus Author, then do corrections in Papyrus Author using a combination of voice and text. It’s pretty clunky, and not all of the commands work correctly. I would love to see a plug-in for Papyrus Author in the future. I guess it could be complicated since Microsoft and Dragon NaturallySpeaking are working so closely together, so they want you using Microsoft Word.
Any thoughts?

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Hi @kensoward,

Dictation is not in our roadmap at the moment, although I’d love to have it too. :construction_worker_man:

That’s a solid workaround! I’m interested…

Which parts don’t work correctly?

Hi, Sam. Thanks for responding, and Happy New Year!

The biggest thing is that the Dragon correction/editing commands don’t work at all, such as “correct word” or “delete word.” But if you double-click a word and speak its replacement, that works. You can also say “spacebar,” “delete that,” “backspace” and those will work, but only after the cursor is placed where you want it. Also, Dragon can’t recognize in Papyrus when to capitalize or not. I have to say “no cap” or “cap” before a word to get that right in Papyrus.

Ultimately, I use a combination of point-click-and-speak to edit in Papyrus, using my mouse to highlight things but my voice to speak the replacement words/phrases. It’s a little faster than moving my hand back and forth from the mouse to keyboard to edit, and I get the benefit of Papyrus in-line editing, which is awesome. That’s one thing I like best about Papyrus, especially how it handles repeated/repetitive words.

Dragon works the same way in a lot of other programs, so it isn’t just Papyrus. Dragon still doesn’t even work perfectly in Microsoft Word despite they’re supposed to be working hand-in-hand with Microsoft. They’ve made vast improvements in the editing commands, but the mouse still jumps all over the place, even with Dragon V16 and Windows 11. I’m hoping for improvements in the future.

Hope all that makes sense. :slight_smile: Thanks again!

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