I wish I could change the size of fonts in the UI elements. I don’t want to change the font size for Windows globally.
Specifically, the status bar is very small.
I’d like te optiojn to make it larger and easier to read.
In Papyrus 12, the status bar is narrower than in 11. This makes the text seem squished.
The progress bar is definitely smaller. A wider status bar would help.
Progress bar has been repositioned against the right hand side. It was easier to read in v11.
The progress bar is important to me and it was easier to read when it was in the center of the staus bar.
There is an option to mnake te menu text smaller, but I’d like oioptions to make elements a bit larger.
The navigator text
The status bar elements
Context menu items
File menu items, etc.
I use a high resoultion monitor, and the text other than the editor area is very small. Thge editor allows me to zoom in to a comfortable reading size. The rest of te display does not…
I’d really likie an opotion to make the UI element text larger, along side the existing option to make toolbar text smaller (Id never want it smaller).
Thamks for a great product.
I agree with your comment about the progress bars. They were much easier to see when they were centered, and I use them all the time.
I haven’t noticed the other things you mention, though. is your monitor 4K?
You could change scaling in Windows, but if this is the only program giving you an issue, you may not want to do that.
if you wanted to try it follow these steps;
Right click anywhere on your desktop.
Selected Display Settings, then scroll down to scale.
if you are at 100%, try 125%.
Could you share a screenshot of a work space area you feel is too small?
Sometimes it can happen that the UI is not optimized for a certain resolution and things could look out of ratio.
In this shot, I have the editor zoomed to a comfortable level where I usually work. I see the editor as being about a 14pt text. That’s my perception.
The navigaptor appears to me to be about an 8 or 9 pt text. I know that isn’t the actual font size.
The status bar looks to be a pt size small than that. Maybe 7pt.
The menus appear about the same size as te status bar.
My screen resolution is already set at what WIndows recommend with a text size of 150%.
To be clear, I’m not saying there is a bug. Just that I would be more comfortable reading the UI if there was an option to make these elementss larger. I use Papyrus five hours a day. On my laptop, I need to squint to read parts of the screen outside the editor pane.
I don’t want the navigator, etc. to be 16pt text. But maybe a few pts larger than it appears to me now.
Thanks for caring about this, Leon.