File shutting down when I update index?

Whenever I try to update the index the program just shuts down. I created new master pages for index to make two columns so don’t know if that is a factor. I just did the latest version so it is not because of an obsolete program.

Sorry to hear you’re getting a crash–let’s get it fixed up!

This is a good guess! :male_detective: :mag_right:

I tried to reproduce the crash and made a 2-column Table of Contents as well, but it worked fine, so there’s maybe another factor here as well. :thinking:

Do you mind grabbing a few screenshots to show what the master page looks like?

I can also take a look at the file if you send it over to me as a private message.

:bulb: You can attach the .papfile to a message by just dragging and dropping it into the reply field.

I’m sure it’ll be a quick fix, and you’re back writing in no time! :construction_worker_man: :wrench:

I solved it by making the index pages the index master page.

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