Import and Export

Mac Big Sur

Not yet installed. I found an earlier version not an improvement on Scrivener, so deleted it.

I want to know if:
A) I can import a Scrivener project.
B) I can export to a word doc. This has been my main gripe with Scrivener. The export process is way too convoluted. I want a simple TNR double spaced doc with chapter heading formatted as headings.

Hello, welcome to the Community!

You can import a .doc or .docx document directly to Papyrus Author. Here is a tutorial video on it:

Importing doc/docx to Papyrus Author

You can export to .doc or .docx with a few clicks, here is a tutorial video on exporting:

Exporting Papyrus Author documents to Word

Let me know if you have any further questions! :slight_smile: