Is Papyrus Author a viable format?

The site looks dated. There appears to be little or no Support.

I’m comparing Dabble to PA. Dabble is slam dunk easy but limited. PA is not the least bit easy but has potentially useful features I’d like. I have four false starts and can’t see how to delete projects and documents to start over. I won’t try much longer.


Hi there,

On Windows, PA will initially store new projects and documents in the default folder (C:/User/Username/Documents/Papyrus Author Documents) unless you specified a different folder via ‘Save as…’

Just delete any projects you don’t need anymore in the Explorer.

I’m on a Mac and Safari.

  1. I don’t see the Explorer. I have Navigator and Organizer. I see no way to delete projects to start over.

  2. Adding chapters: The tutorial says to drag a chapter to the PA Icon. I drag over a docx., the cell darkens, but nothing gets imported.

  3. I want to evaluate the grammar and style tools. Do I have to upgrade to do this? I’m on the introductory version now.



On a Mac this would be your Finder. :slight_smile: Look for files with the ending *.pap or *.papproject

I am on Windows, so I don’t know how things work on a Mac. But I’m sure @Sam or someone else will be able to help. If all else fails, you can always contact support [at] papyrusauthor [dot] com. :slight_smile:

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Hi! :sun_with_face:

When you drag and drop a .docx to Papyrus Author, it should turn into a Papyrus Author file automatically. :newspaper_roll:

If this isn’t happening, there might be a hiccup with the file you’re bringing in, or Papyrus Author doesn’t have access rights to change files on your computer.

Have you tried using a different .docx file? If it’s an issue with just this one file, feel free to send it to me in a private message, and I’ll take a look. :+1:

Apple has changed their access policies a bit, and depending on the settings of your computer, you might need to add the rights for Papyrus Author to edit and save files on your computer. Here’s Apple’s quick explanation and guide on how to do that: Controlling app access to files in macOS - Apple Support

You can activate The Style Analysis with the feather icon on the bottom toolbar, and the Readability Check with the eye icon next to the Style Analysis. :thumbsup:

Thanks @joey :heart:

Yep–the projects should be in the “Documents” folder under “Papyrus Author Documents” on both macOS and Windows. :+1:

If you’ve saved them elsewhere, you can search for them with Spotlight: Search with Spotlight

Let us know! :man_construction_worker: :wrench:

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