ISBN numbers

Windows 10, Papyrus 11.06

I’m formatting my first book for self-publishing, both to print and to ebook. I did enter all the information for the front matter in the document settings and let Papyrus create the title page and copyright page for me, but since I wasn’t too happy with how the copyright page looked, I rearranged and reformatted it a bit. One thing I noticed is that even though I can enter two different ISBN number for print and ebook, there is only one reference identifier listed in the manual (DOC_ISBN). Does that mean Papyrus will automatically choose the correct one (so the print one if you publish to pdf and the ebook one if you publish to epubli?). Or is it possible/necessary to referene them individually and the id for the ebook one is just missing from the manual?

At the moment, the reference feature supports only the ISBN (Print) value, and the e-book field does not have its own reference. I’ll make a note of this, and look to improve it in the future versions of Papyrus Author. :slight_smile:

Generally, for different publications of the book, I recommend creating multiple copies of your book, as different publications may have different customization.

With multiple copies, you can swap out the “DOC_ISBN” -identifier with the e-book ISBN in the e-book publication version of your book. :slight_smile:

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