Mac permissions issue with Character database?

Mac mini Big Sur

10.07a pro
FIXED: Found the setting on Mac OneDrive to tell it to ‘Always Keep on this Device’ and it all started working fine.

Seems MacOS won’t auto-download a copy of the linked database files when you try to access them off the cloud.

I was editing a file created in windows. Tried to edit an entry in the character database and whichever one I choose, it gives me an error. Popup MacOS box about not being able to access it.

Checked file permissions for the character database, and all its files are read+write. Cannot create a new entry in the database either.

Files are being accessed from OneDrive cloud folder.

Any ideas for a quick fix?

EDIT: Checked the detailed file info. The character database file is listed as “zero bytes on disk” so that may be the problem. It isn’t getting a disk copy to use somehow? The .pap file is fully on the disk and in the cloud.

I know it’s me struggling on Mac, and I’m sorry. Just trying to work :innocent: