Menu Bar

Anyone have the issue where suddenly the menu bar and drop down menu font is sooo large? How to fix?

Hi, @marionalbig!

The size of the menu bar and dropdowns is controlled by your computer’s settings. Here’s how to adjust it:

:window: If you’ve got a Windows computer: Follow this guide starting from “Change the size of text, apps, and other items”: Change your screen resolution and layout in Windows.

:apple: for macOS, here’s Apple’s guide: Change your Mac display’s resolution.

Sometimes, updates to your operating system or drivers can cause these changes.

If these steps don’t solve it, could you share a screenshot of what the menus look like for you? We’ll go from there! :construction_worker_man: :wrench:

Changing the text size in windows does change the size of the menu text. Be aware that yoiu have to restart Papyrus to see the change.
The text size does not appear to change the appearance of the navigator. I wish there was a way to adjust the size of the navigator text without making a system wide change to windows. I don’t want to use global scaling to see teh navigaor better. That would be a great feature. Thanks for a great product.

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I do know about this and I checked my settings and my other programs. This only happened in Papyrus.


Could you grab a screenshot of what the menus look like for you?

How to take a screenshot

For Windows: Use the Snipping Tool or the built-in screenshot feature

For macOS: Press Command + Shift + 4 to capture part of your screen, or check out this guide for more options.

You can attach the image to your post by dragging and dropping it into the reply field. :paperclip:

Thanks! :grin:

I figured it out. It was a windows issue about text size but by some glitch only affected Papyrus. Thx


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