Papyrus 12 License installation system?

I believe the website says I can install this on 3 systems, so how exactly does that work? I have no code or anything like that. You sent me a mail saying I now own it, and that I have the full version.

If I install on three systems (eg. PC, M1 Mac, and MacBook) and then need to use PA12 on my Windows laptop because one of them breaks (or I change my mind), how do I add it to a 4th and tell it which one I am not using any more?

I had issues in the past with Nuance Dragon dictation software using a similar system and requiring telephone calls to get an extra ‘use’ out of the software when a PC died/updated and lost the software. :face_with_peeking_eye:

It’s no hassle. Just install and use on three devices at the same time. If you want to deactivate one,
just deinstall and install on a new device. Your files are safe and remain on all machines. :slight_smile:

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Thanks, Leon. Sounds pretty sensible.