Papyrus Author Extension?

I see that the extension is no longer available in the Chrome store. The Firefox one is still there and works with PA 12, however. But, I use Microsoft Edge for browsing. I can use the one from the Chrome store if it was there, though.

Are there plans to put it back and/or make one for Edge?

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Yep, it’s still on our to-do list—I’m just not up to speed yet on which part of it has deprecated and how big of a mountain we’ll have to move to get it back up and running. :mountain: :mountain:

As for Edge Add-ons… can’t say anything there yet. It’d be interesting to look into, but for now, I don’t have any info.

I appreciate the nudge! :clap:

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Well, if it helps, Edge is essentially Chromium, so it’s possible to kill two birds with one boulder. :

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I also think this plugin should be high on Papyrus’ To-do list. Chrome based browsers dominate the browser-verse. Chrome being the biggest.