We are excited to have launched Papyrus Author and are eager to change the world of writing with you.
With years of development and hard work, with the tremendous effort of our beta testers, writing experts and authors, we did it.
Papyrus Author is available now!
Our writing suite was created to be the perfect fit for writing books. And we want many of them to be written. This is why we offer Papyrus Author for free. Get it out there as much as possible–how many dreams of writing a book can we fulfill? Let’s find out together!
To get to know your way around Papyrus Author, first of all: Just download, install and get a look around. There is no entry barrier, you can start writing within minutes.
When you feel like digging in some more, there is our video tutorial series by your fellow author Ben Brown, which explores all intricacies the software offers. Also, visit our Wiki online and manual in the software for detailed explanations.
And last but not least: Use this forum. Get together with like-minded writers and discuss how you use Papyrus Author!