Papyrus Author Pro
Hi I always add status icons to my chapters and scenes, but I was wondering if there’s a way to change the text associated with them. For instance, the traffic cone is ‘Unfinished’. Could I change this to something like, ‘First Draft’ and so on?
The Navigator statuses’ names can not be customized at this time. If there’s more interest in this feature, we could look into adding it in the future.
I’d really like to see this feature added. It would help the work flow to be able to be more descriptive of exactly what state a section is in. Draft, Editing, Edit Complete, Proofing, Proof Complete, Finished, Etc. The current names indicate what needs to be done; I’d like some that say what is being done. The state the section is in. “Needs Polishing” isn’t a state as much as it is a comment. “Proofread” is ambiguous. Is that saying it has been proofread is needs to be proofread? The ability to edit and create our own workflow status annotations would be very helpful.
It would be also super helpfull if we could customize the set of icons ourselves.
Or add a few more if that’s easier for you.
Like this editor here where I’m writing this text right now, it has a lot of it
I’m not sure how everyone else feels about this, but I’m a visual thinking guy, so putting a complex situation into an image, icon or emoticon helps me a lot. I’m talking not only of the states of chapters, but also of the links between nodes in the mind map board or the emotiocons of characters.