Strange Formatting

I have a project that I have been working on, and I am in about thirty pages. I am working in Windows 10 with the paid Papyrus+ subscription.
In the middle of a page it appears that the margins have moved from one inch on the left to three inches on the left for about four lines and then it returns to normal. When I check the document properties, everything appears normal from what I can see. Nothing I have tried seems to move these four lines back over. Any text that I enter between or immediately after these four lines remains at the three inch margin.
Any ideas on how to fix this?

Great to hear from you! :wave:

:fire: :fire:

Could be that paragraph has lost its assigned “Text Style”. Here’s a quick fix for it:

  1. Click on one of the affected lines.

  2. Check the “Style” dropdown in the top-left of the Toolbar–does it say <no style>?
    → If so, open the dropdown and reapply the style you’re using for your main text (like “Standard”). This should reset the margins to match the rest of your page.

  3. If the text has a specific style you want to keep, but just needs the margin adjusted, you can drag the triangle and ball icons (they mark the margin and indent of the paragraph) on the ruler back to the 1” mark. That will realign the margins without altering the style.

Here’s a quick video on how it looks:

If this doesn’t fix it, you can send the document my way via private message, and I’ll take a closer look. :mag: