Color of the paper in Papyrus Author

Is it possible in Papyrus Author to give the color of the paper on which it is written, and then, when exporting to PDF, the color of the paper should be the same?


one possibility is this:

  • right-click the side margin and choose Go to master page “Standard” (or any other master page)
  • then place a rectangle via Insert → Graphics → Rectangle
  • then right-click into the rectangle and choose Position → Put Behind the Main Text
  • right-click again, choose Graphic Properties… → Color… and choose your color
  • deselect the rectangle by clicking outside the page
  • right-click the page and choose Back to Main Text

If you assign different master pages to different page ranges, you can assign dedicated colors.

Hope it helps!


Thank you. I got what I needed. Although, in a sense, it is a trick solution. But anyway, the effect is achieved.
PS In this case, I needed database records to be exported as individual PDF files. Here, like this.

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