Dropping the empty cream envelope onto the table, Martin clutched the letter inviting him to his old friend’s funeral, and rushed out of the kitchen to confront Graeme about his forthcoming interment.
I told him my body count was sixteen, he told me his was 45, I had a feeling we weren’t talking about the same type of body count.
It was good enough to entice me for wanting to read more
Maybe I’ll continue it when a prompt works out…
He found the courage to finally kiss her and she knew instantly her world would never be the same.
Singing Jingle Bells in the shower on Christmas Morning isn’t much of a hangover cure but it’s all I’ve got to keep the guilt and shame at bay. With shampoo dripping from my beard, my mind drifts once more and I wonder who the hell picks up two hairy Hispanic street punks at a gay bar on Christmas Eve and expects a quaint Normal Rockwell Painting outcome the morning after? Me, obviously, but midnight snacks with their kind is always deliciously raunchy, raw, and enticingly risky.
PROMPT It was dark and cold, there were dark spots of glistening blood in the darkness.
The moon rose above the crest of the mountains, illuminating the trees and showing the weary travelers the pathway.
I knew I was hitting puberty, but turning into a bear the weight of a small car was a little too much for my sanity.
Michael watches the screen in front of him, his limbs frozen to the chair as he sees his own hand plunge the knife into his daughter. His chest tightens and he struggles to inhale as tears soak into his messy beard.
The foul smell of sulfur woke me from a stupor as the sound of slow, heavy footsteps climbed the staircase until finally turning toward my bedroom in the darkness of the cold house.
Wow, that sounds horrible!
I waited for you in the shadows as the rain dripped off the gargoyles hovering above me.
The Assassin
Replace this text with your contribution
It’s a curious business, ending one’s life; so many loose ends to tie up and situations to address, and greater questions like what is one to wear?
She could see it coming zig-zagging across the water as it made its way toward her she only had a few moments to get out before the snake would strike.
‘I really hate these cheap masks’; he thought fiddling with it. Not only was he smelling his own breath, but his face was itchy, wet, and clammy from moisture condensing on the cold plastic.
excerpt from “Candy Apple”
My mother had seen two ghosts, but I have only seen one.
If it wasn’t for the dog-sized spider leaping towards me, or the dry rattle of a skeleton behind me, I might have noticed my poor dog Brutus being brutaly abused at the hands of the behemoth of a bat demon I came to kill.
This was inspired by a recent adventure I had in Conan Exiles, my addictive source of procrasti…errr…creativity these days.