Hi! My Word file is double spaced. I hit enter after every line of dialogue and every paragraph, and then hit enter again before starting a new line of dialogue or paragraph. When I copied and pasted my chapters into Papyrus Author, some of those line breaks went away.
I do not use tab while typing in Word.
If there is a line of dialogue after a paragraph, Papyrus removes the space between them, and indents the beginning of the dialogue. Sometimes it’ll attach a paragraph after a line of dialogue, having removed the space between them. The paragraphs that attached to the ends of dialogue begin with an indent. It honestly looks really arbitrary, where it kept my spaces and where it didn’t.
As an aside, how can I remove all indentation for dialogue? Also, is there a way to prevent hyphenation at the beginning of a project, rather than at the end, selecting all and removing all hyphens through the text menu?